Gluten Free Spaghetti & Gluten Free Pasta

Gluten Free Spaghetti & Gluten Free Pasta


Spaghetti is on our menu rotation a couple times a month.  We post our monthly menu on the fridge for everyone to see.  Now that all the kids can read it has really helped with the zillions of questions asking me, “mom, what’s for dinner?”  I say look at the menu on the fridge!  


Whenever one of our kids reads “Spaghetti”….9 times out of 10 someone else is gonna yell Bahgeezee.  Bahgeeze is what our oldest called spaghetti when he was a toddler.  The name stuck and spaghetti or “bahgeezee” is a family favorite.


When we transitioned to being a gluten free home over 10 years ago we suffered through many bad spaghetti dinners trying all kinds of gluten free spaghetti noodles.  Not anymore, we have a favorite gluten free pasta that is sooooooo good even our non-gluten free family enjoys it when they come to visit.  


In fact, not too long ago I found Tinkyada Pasta on sale for 1/2 off and I bought a case!  I was so excited when it arrived I even made a video about it and posted it on my instagram!  


Gluten Free Makery INSTAGRAM


Spaghetti is a comfort food for us and having a TASTY gluten free pasta we can count on every time we eat gluten free spaghetti  is essential for this BAHGEEZEE loving family!


Here’s a link to Tinkyada.

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